Why Can’t I Save My Calibration?

This can be caused when a Direct In or Direct Out channel is no longer is associated with a calibrated device. In SoundCheck, Direct In 1 & 2 and Direct Out 1 & 2 must be associated with unity cal (Read only).dat. If this association is lost for any reason, you will be unable to select a calibrated device because these signal channels are protected, and therefore will be unable to save your system calibration because there are invalid signal paths.




Hitting save will bring up this error message.


The easiest way to fix this is to start with a completely new system calibration, and then import the old one. Attached at the bottom of this article is a fresh SoundCheck 15 calibration folder to use.

Close SoundCheck without saving calibration. In your SoundCheck > Steps folder, rename “Calibration” to “Calibration – old”. Download the calibration folder attached below and add it to the Steps folder (leave the name as “Calibration”).


Open SoundCheck, then the calibration window. It will be set back to default, but all Direct in channels will be working correctly.

To bring in your previous calibration, go to import and point to Calibration – old > System.cal. 





Click Yes through the following prompts to bring in all files.

You may need to manually assign any signal paths that were using Unity Cal (read only).dat, as well as any that weren’t able to be saved previously. These will be be marked in yellow and labelled "Please Make a Selection..."

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