Creating a Curve in SoundCheck

Curves in SoundCheck are typically created when a step is run. However, you may want to create a curve without doing any actual measurements. Use cases include creating custom filters and using them in some sort of post processing.

Although there is no ‘Curve creator’ tool inside SoundCheck, there are other options. Let’s say we would like to create a curve that increases from 0 dB to 3dB in the frequency range of 7KHz to 10KHz. We could make use of a Curve-Limit step to create a curve that satisfies this requirement. 

Using the Curve - Upper Only limit step, x-y data points can be entered into the table as required and the custom limit curve will be created when the step is Applied or during the sequence run. This function is also available using Offline Limits. Any curve from the Memory List can be selected from the Data dropdown list.



If the units need to be changed for the custom curve, a ‘Curve plus constant’ Post processing step can be used to add a value of ‘zero’ to the curve and save the resultant curve with custom units.

Curves can also be edited by opening them in a Table view.  Let’s say we wanted to create a custom weighting curve having ⅓ octave resolution over a frequency range of 20 Hz - 20 kHz.  First, go to Offline > Post Processing > Resolution and select the unity cal (Read only)-in corr-in from the Operand A dropdown list, Set the New Resolution to ⅓ Octave and give the curve a custom name of Weighting Curve. When the step is applied, the curve will appear in the Memory List where you can right click on the curve name and select Display On > New Table.  By default, all of the y-axis values will be zero but you can replace those with your own values by typing them into the table.  In the end, you will have created your own custom curve which can then be saved for future use.


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