Custom VIs for SoundCheck 14 must be written in LabView 2014 and SoundCheck 13 must be written in LabView 2012. If the VIs are written in the correct version, try the steps below:
Updating Custom VIs from SoundCheck 12 to SoundCheck 14 (x64)
If you have already modified "custom and SC Run Seq Sub VIs (x64).llb" in SoundCheck 14 and are running into errors, copy and unzip the unmodified version attached at the bottom of this article to C:\SoundCheck 14.0-x64\ and do not mass compile.
Step 1: In LabVIEW 2014 x64, open "your step name" and "your step name here" found in C:\SoundCheck 14.0-x64\System\Custom VIs. If either of these opens with a broken error, SoundCheck 14 will need to be uninstalled, and then reinstalled. Make sure to back up your System.har and files to bring in to your new SoundCheck install if you have made any hardware or calibration changes.
Step 2: Copy the run VI, editor, and all required sub VIs into C:\SoundCheck 14.0-x64\System\Custom VIs. Delete Flatten or Unflatten if they were brought over. These VIs are now located inside the provided library.
Step 3: With "your step name" and "your step name here" still open, open your run VI and editor. The editor should have a white arrow and the run VI should show a broken arrow.
Step 4: In your run VI remove the "setup in" output from the input cluster. Next, replace the broken constants used in the "window stack" by deleting the old one and creating a new constant. The leftmost manager should be set to add, while the rightmost manager should be set to remove.
Updating custom VIs from SoundCheck 12 to SoundCheck 13 (x64)
If you have already modified "custom and SC Run Seq Sub VIs (x64).llb" in SoundCheck 13 and are running into errors, copy and unzip the unmodified version attached at the bottom of this article to C:\SoundCheck 13.0-x64\ and do not mass compile.
Step 1: In LabVIEW 2012 x64, open "your step name" and "your step name here" found in C:\SoundCheck 13.0-x64\System\Custom VIs. If either of these opens with a broken error, SoundCheck 13 will need to be uninstalled, and then reinstalled. Make sure to back up your System.har and files to bring in to your new SoundCheck install if you have made any hardware or calibration changes.
Step 2: Copy the run VI, editor, and all required sub VIs into C:\SoundCheck 13.0-x64\System\Custom VIs. Delete Flatten or Unflatten if they were brought over. These VIs are now located inside the provided library.
Step 3: With "your step name" and "your step name here" still open, open your run VI and editor.