Listen Hardware not appearing in SoundCheck's hardware table (Windows 11)

When running SoundCheck version 22.01 or earlier with a Windows 11 (build 24H2 or newer) computer and if you do not see your Listen Hardware (AmpConnect 621, AudioConnect 2, DC Connect, BTC4149, etc.) in the Listen Hardware tab of SoundCheck's hardware editor (Setup>Hardware>Listen Hardware), you will need to follow these steps. 


1. Select Start (or the Windows icon)

2. Select the Settings app and open it 

3. Select the System tab 

4. Scroll down and select Optional features

5. Check to see if WMIC is on your list of added features. (If it is, please uninstall it before moving to step 6)

6. At the top of the Optional features tab, locate Add an optional feature.

7. In that field, select View features. This will open a pop-up window. 

8. In the pop-up window, type "WMIC" into the search box 

9. When "WMIC" appears in the results, select it by checking the box next to it and select Next

10. The WMIC feature will then install and you can see the progress in the Optional features window

11. Once the feature is added, relaunch SoundCheck and your Listen Hardware will now appear in the Listen Hardware tab in the hardware editor.  

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