Copying Steps Within a Sequence

Have you ever worked on a sequence that has repetitive sections and do not feel like re-creating step setups that already exist or are similar to ones already in the sequence? Or perhaps you have previously written a sequence and want to re-use some of it in the one you are currently writing? If that is the case, then SoundCheck has a convenient feature in the sequence editor that allows for a simple way to do this. On the left hand side of the sequence editor at the bottom of the Step Template Library is a group called “Sequence”.
Upon expanding the sequence group, you are presented with the names of all sequences residing in the folder of the currently opened sequence. From here you may explore any of these sequences and drag steps from them into your current one. It is important to note that you must have the sequence you wish to copy from saved, or else SoundCheck will not be able to call from it.
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