SoundCheck on macOS Monterey, Ventura, and Sonoma

SoundCheck 22 has been fully validated for use in macOS Sonoma and is available on both Apple Silicon and Intel based computers.

SoundCheck versions prior to SoundCheck 22 are only compatible with Intel based computers. The instructions below must be used to install on macOS. Please see the Readme or Manual of your specific version for any other compatibility requirements. 


It is necessary to explicitly add the National Instruments team ID as an allowed kernel extension publisher. This must be done from macOS Recovery.

  1. Boot to macOS Recovery by holding Command-R during boot
  2. Once in recovery mode, open the Terminal application
  3. Add consent for the NI team ID with the following command:
    spctl kext-consent add SKTKK2QZ74
  4. Reboot
  5. In System Preferences > Security & Privacy > General, there will be a note that system software from "National Instruments" has been updated. Click allow. 
  6. (Sonoma Only) In System Preferences > General > Login, disable National Instruments in "Allow in the Background"
  7. Reboot
  8. In Terminal, confirm the consent has been accepted by running the command:
    spctl kext-consent list
    SKTKK2QZ74 will be returned if the extension has been allowed.

After installation, it might also required to run the following two commands in terminal to allow the operating system load and execute some specific extensions:

defaults write NSGraphicsContextAllowOverRestore -bool YES
defaults write NSViewAllowsRootLayerBacking -bool NO

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