Can SoundCheck be Externally Controlled Using a Python Script?

Yes, it can! By using TCP/IP controls (available in SoundCheck 15) Python can be used to interact with SoundCheck.

Attached is script that will open the Complete Test example sequence and return the JSON results.

To run this example:

1) Install Python. This example was written in Python 3, but should also be compatible with Python 2.

Make sure to select Add Python to PATH during the installation. 


2) Enable TCP/IP Server in SoundCheck: Edit > Preferences > Advanced. Leave the server port as the default 4444.


3) Run the Python script: With SoundCheck open but no sequence loaded (e.g. Offline Mode), run the attached Python script. The Complete Test example sequence will open, run, and return results.


For more information, please see the “Controlling SoundCheck with TCP/IP” chapter in the SoundCheck manual.

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